ABFM 2024 Election Results
ABFM is please to announce the results of its elections for Vice Chair and new Executive Committee members to serve starting 2025. David Hai Guo of Wichita State University was elected to serve as the next Vice Chair for 2025. David will serve as Chair Elect and...
Call for Papers: Special Issue of Financial Accountability & Management
The aim of this special issue is to gather scholarly perspectives from different countries and sectors on key questions related to changing modes of coordination between public sector organizations, and their implications for public sector accounting, audit,...
Brookings Event Video – “The Congressional Budget Act of 1974: The next 50 years”
ICYMI, in recognition of the 50th anniversary of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act, the Brookings Institution held an event on June 6 that examined the challenges the nation is facing over the next 50 years and how well-equipped the congressional...
Public Finance Newswire