Nominations are now being accepted for the Paul Posner Pracademic Award. Nominations are due July 1, 2018.
The Paul Posner Pracademic Award is presented to honor lifetime achievement for significant contributions made to the field of budgeting and financial management as both a practitioner and an academic. This is not an annual award. It will be made only when an exemplary candidate is nominated and ultimately approved by the Paul Posner Pracademic Award Committee. The award recipient should be an outstanding pracademic (practitioner and scholar) as judged by his or her record of service to and publication in the field over a sustained period of time. Nominations should include a 1-2 page letter outlining the significant accomplishments of the nominee, the nominee’s vitae, and no more than two additional letters of recommendation. A committee will determine the award winner.
The award is named for Paul Posner, the ultimate pracademic. He worked for the Government Accountability Office (GAO) for 30 years where he was Managing Director for Strategic Issues. Paul led GAO’s work on the long-term federal budget outlook and emerging challenges for public-sector finances at all levels of government. He was responsible for GAO’s work on performance budgeting and testified numerous times before congressional committees on budget related issues. After retiring from GAO in 2005, Paul became the Director of the George Mason University Schar School of Policy and Government Masters of Public Administration degree program.
Nominations should be sent by July 1, 2018 to Bryan Sullivan at . You will receive confirmation from Bryan Sullivan.