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Stanley Collender

1996 – Stanley Collender

Stanley E. Collender [21 Feb 1951 – 3 May 2019] was a professional commentator on the federal budget. Starting in 1974, he was involved in the federal budget process including working for both the House and Senate Budget Committees. He served as the administrator of the Task Force on the Budget of the Northeast-Midwest Congressional Coalition. He authored the annual The Guide to the Federal Budget for 19 years (1982-2001) and wrote a blog as ‘The Budget Guy’. He worked for major consulting firms and international accounting firms.  AABPA awarded him the Blum Award (2012). In 1988, the President appointed him to the Presidential Commission on capital budgeting. He wrote columns on the federal budget for several publications including USA Today. He received a BA from NYU (1973) and a master’s degree in public policy from U of California Berkeley (1976), and was a long-standing adjunct professor at Georgetown University. He was elected to the ABFM executive board in 1999.