Richard F. Fenno Jr. [December 12, 1926-April 21, 2020] was a Distinguished University Professor Emeritus at the University of Rochester and the premier scholar on Congress for his extensive analytical writings by observing budgeting and Congressional behavior. He received his bachelor’s degree from Amherst College (1948) and his Ph.D. in political science at Harvard (1956), then taught at Wheaton College and Amherst College before joining the University of Rochester (1957-2003). His pathbreaking books include The Power of the Purse (1966), Home Style: House Members in their Districts (1978) winner of ASPA’s Wilson Award (1979) and the Hardeman Prize (1980), and Congress at the Grassroots (2001) which won APSA’s V.O. Key award. He was the book review editor of the American Political Science Review (1968–1971). Recognitions include APSA’s Goodnow Award (2000), a member of the National Academy of Sciences (1983), a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1974), APSA President (1984–1985), an elected member of the American Philosophical Society (1989), and a director of the Social Science Research Council.
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