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M. Peter van der Hoek

2021 – M. Peter van der Hoek

M. Peter van der Hoek is a retired professor from Erasmus University Rotterdam (1974-2010) and is widely recognized for his focus on fiscal issues of the Netherlands, in particular, and, more broadly, Europe. He received a Ph.D. in economics from Erasmus University (1974). He was editor of the journal Public Finance and Management from 1998 to 2021. His recognitions include SECoPA’s Boorsma international award (2013), election to four non-consecutive terms on ABFM’s executive committee starting in 2006, president of ASPA’s international chapter (2013), and leadership roles in several European academic associations including the Forum for Economists International (2011). Among numerous articles, his books include Condition for Direct Foreign Investments in the Baltic States (1996) and Handbook of Public Administration and Policy in the European Union (2005). In addition to courses taught in South Africa and China, he headed several fiscal projects in Eastern Europe, including Romania and the Ukraine.