Louis Fisher is an authority on executive spending discretion and Congress who spent his career at the Library of Congress. He received a B.S. in chemistry from the College of William and Mary (1956), and both an M.A. (1966) and a Ph.D. (1967) in political science from the New School for Social Research. He taught at Queens College (1967-1970) before joining the Library of Congress (1970-2010) where he authored numerous reports and gave invited testimony to Congress over 50 times. His books include President and Congress (1972), Presidential Spending Power (1975), Constitutional Conflicts Between Congress and the President (1985, in 3rd edition), Constitutional Dialogues (1988), Presidential War Power (1995, in 3rd edition), and Military Tribunals & Presidential Power (2005). His awards and recognitions include NAPA’s Brownlow Book Award (1976; 1989); APSA’s Neustadt Book Award (2006); the Dartmouth Medal (1995), APSA’s Hubert Humphrey Award (2012); AABPA’s Blum Award (1982), and an elected NAPA Fellow (1992). He taught part-time at several prominent universities including Georgetown University and American University and the law schools of Catholic University and William and Mary. He continues as a Scholar in Residence at the Library of Congress.
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