Gloria A. Grizzle, [April 10, 1940-June 4, 2020] Professor, Florida State University, Askew School of Public Administration and Policy, Florida State University. She co-authored with S. Kenneth Howard, Whatever Happened to State Budgeting (1972). Her influential framework of budget format-deliberation-allocation (1986) powered studies of budget makers, information, and budget reform. Her circulated textbook, Public Financial Management, showed others how to help managers obtain and use financial information. After graduating with a B.B.A. and valedictorian at the University of Miami (1963), she received both the MPA (1969) and Ph.D. in political science (1973) at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill. Her positions in performance measurement and evaluation were with the Miami-Dade County Chamber of Commerce (1963-1966), the County Manager’s office at Metropolitan Dade County (1966-1969), the UNC Institute of Government (1969-1974), and the budget office of the State of North Carolina (1974-1978). After joining the FSU faculty in 1978, she served as director of the Askew School (1992-1995) and director of the Florida Public Affairs Center (1994-1997).