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Bart Hildreth

2023 – Bart Hildreth

William Bartley Hildreth is professor emeritus in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University (2009-2021) with a career devoted to advancing financial management professionalism. With a B.A. from the University of Alabama (1971), a MPA from Auburn University at Montgomery (1974), and a Ph.D. from the University of Georgia (1979), he held faculty rank at Kent State University (1979-1985), LSU (1985-1994) and Wichita State University as the Regents Distinguished Professor (1994-2009) before joining GSU as Dean (2009-2010). He was director of finance for Akron, Ohio (1984-1985), and Executive Director of the National Tax Association (2015-2016). He was a member of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (2012-2015), Kansas Development Finance Authority (1997-2003), Woodrow Wilson International Center’s municipal securities delegation to China (2002), Governmental Accounting Standards Advisory Council (2002-2003), National Advisory Council on State and Local Budgeting (1996-1998), and GFOA’s Council on Certification (1996-1999). In Kansas, he was a fiscal advisor to two governors and chair of tax reform groups. He was editor of the Municipal Finance Journal (1989-2023), a NAPA fellow (2005), and received the 2017 Industry Award from the National Federation of Municipal Analysts, ABFM’s Wildavsky Award (2008), and a Fulbright (2005). His books include the Public Budgeting Laboratory (1983) and State and Local Debt Management Issuance and Management (1996).