ABFM is seeking candidates for Treasurer. This will be for a three-year appointment, beginning January 1, 2019. The timeline for the selection process is to field a call for candidates in March/April, evaluate candidates April/May and have a candidate appointed in June. Starting in July, the selected candidate will assist the current Treasurer with conference registration, collection of conference sponsorships and reviewing and paying conference-related invoices. Those members interested should submit a cover letter and resume to Bryan Sullivan at abfm2018chairbsullivan@gmail.com by close of business on May 25th, 2018.
The required duties of the Treasurer are specified in Section 5 of ABFM’s Charter and By-Laws:
- Have a fiduciary responsibility for the finances of ABFM.
- Prepare and execute the annual budget, to be approved by the Executive Committee no later than 30 days prior to the beginning of the fiscal year.
- Maintain the financial records of ABFM in accordance with sound financial management and accounting practices, and provide annual financial reports to the Executive Committee, consisting of:
- Balance sheet
- Statement of cash flows
- Statement of income and expenses
- Schedule of accounts receivable and accounts payable
- Budget versus actual expenditures
- Submit the annual report on the financial position of ABFM to the ASPA National Office and National Council.
- In conjunction with the Chair-Elect and the Conference Committee Chair, negotiate and sign the hotel contract for the Annual Conference on Public Budgeting and Financial management, after forwarding the contract to the Executive Director of ASPA for review.
- Exercise responsibility for the registration and other finances associated with the ABFM Annual Conference on Public Budgeting and Financial Management.
- The Treasurer shall oversee the activities of the Vice-Treasurer, who will assist the Treasurer. The Chair may appoint a Vice-Treasurer after consultation with the Treasurer.
- Complete IRS Form-990 on behalf of ABFM and file with the IRS by the required deadline.
- Perform other duties as assigned/requested by the Chair.
The required skills, knowledge and ability necessary for the successful undertaking of the Treasurer’s role are as follows:
- Ability to record all financial transactions using generally accepted accounting principles for nonprofit organizations
- Working knowledge of Quickbooks or other accounting software
- Ability to generate financial reports from recorded financial transactions
- Working knowledge of mail merge tools in Microsoft Word
- Attendance at the ABFM conference each year
- Access to Wells Fargo banking either online or in person
- Working knowledge of Paypal and Paypal Here app
- Knowledge of IRS informational reporting requirements of nonprofits
- Ability to complete the IRS Form 990 and file with the IRS by the required deadline
- Ability to manage cash balances in multiple accounts