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ABFM is please to announce the results of its elections for Vice Chair and new Executive Committee members to serve starting 2025. David Hai Guo of Wichita State University was elected to serve as the next Vice Chair for 2025. David will serve as Chair Elect and conference chair in 2026 and as Chair in 2027.

Michelle Lofton of the University of Georgia, Zachary Mohr of the University of Kansas, and Wie Yusuf of Old Dominion University were elected to the Executive Committee to serve for 2025-2027.

Welcome to the new officer and board members, and thanks to everyone who threw their hat in the ring to serve ABFM as well as everyone who voted. Thanks, too, to the nominating committee of Jerry Zhao (Chair), Charles Menifield, Phil Joyce, Yilin Hou, and Heidi Smith for their work.