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Lloyd Blanchard

2023 – Lloyd Blanchard

Lloyd Blanchard is Associate Vice President of Budget, Management, and Institutional Research in the Office of Provost, University of Connecticut. (2023-present) and Commissioner of the New England Commission on Higher Education (2021-present). He has been an associate director of OMB (2001-2002), chief operating officer of the Small Business Administration (2002-2003), deputy chief financial officer of NASA (2003-2004), and an academic executive at Louisiana State University (2007-2009) and the City University New York (2010-2011). His B.A. in political science is from the University of Texas at San Antonio (1993) and his MPA and PhD in public administration from Syracuse University (1999). He has been on the faculty of the University of Washington (1999-2001), Syracuse University (2004-2006), and the University of Connecticut (2016-2023).