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Gerald J. Miller

2011 – Gerald J. Miller

Gerald J. Miller was a professor of public administration in the School of Public Affairs at Arizona State University until retirement in 2017 and is recognized for his research on debt management networks and resource allocation under ambiguity. He received a B.S. in economics from Auburn University (1969), an MPA from Auburn University at Montgomery (1974), and a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Georgia (1979). He held faculty rank at the University of Kansas (1979-1984), Rutgers University-Newark (1984-2007), and Arizona State University (2008-2017). Additionally, he was a public finance investment banker (1983-1984) and the Fulbright Visiting Chair at the University of Ottawa in Canada (2007). In addition to numerous articles and book chapters, his books include Budget Management (1983), Government Financial Management Theory (1991) Handbook of Debt Management (1996), Handbook of Research Methods in Public Administration (1998), and Government Budgeting and Financial Management in Practice: Logics to Make Sense of Ambiguity (2011). For his influential book review essay on “What is Financial Management?” in Public Administration Review, he received ASPA’s Burchfield Award (1994).