By Bryan Sullivan, 2018 ABFM Chair
The 2018 ABFM election results are in. Jonathan Justice has been elected Vice Chair Elect. M. Peter van der Hoek and Wie Yusuf have been re-elected to new terms as Executive Committee Members. Gang Chen has been newly elected to the Executive Committee. All terms of office will begin (or continue) on January 1, 2019. Congratulations to the election winners. A heartfelt thank you goes out to the candidates who did not get elected (we were fortunate to have so many great candidates this year).
Short biographies have been provided so that the members can get to know their elected officials.
Jonathan Justice (Vice Chair Elect)
Jonathan is a professor in the School of Public Policy and Administration at the University of Delaware, where he teaches undergraduate courses in public policy and graduate courses in public/nonprofit financial management, government budgeting, and local economic development. His research interests include public budgeting and finance, and professional accountability and decision making. Before earning his Ph.D. from Rutgers University—Newark in 2003, he worked as a project and program manager for local governments and local economic development organizations in and around New York City.
Current projects include a book about how accountability leads good financial managers to agree to bad debt deals; research on state fiscal monitoring of local governments; and an article on cultural competence within public-affairs faculties.
Jonathan’s public- and professional-service contributions have included service on the editorial boards of Public Performance and Management Review, Critical Policy Studies, and PA Times, and the editorial advisory board of ICMA Press; service on various committees for the American Society for Public Administration and the Association for Budgeting and Financial Management; service as an officer of the Delaware and New York Metro chapters of ASPA and of the Northeast Conference on Public Administration; and a number of applied-research projects for government and nonprofit organizations. He has been a member of ASPA and ABFM since 1993, and has attended about 20 annual conferences of ABFM over that time.
Gang Chen (Executive Committee Member, 2019 – 2021)
Gang Chen is Assistant Professor at the Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy, University at Albany, SUNY. His recent research focuses on public budgeting, public pensions, and the fiscal impact of natural disasters. He has published 13 articles on leading academic journals since 2012. His research on public pensions has received funding support from the U.S. Social Security Administration through the Steven H. Sandell grant program and recently from the Retirement Security Foundation. He has attended every ABFM annual conference since 2010. In the years of 2016, 2017 and 2018, he served a major role in organizing international panels for the ABFM conference.
Peter van der Hoek (Executive Committee Member, 2019 – 2021)
Peter has retired from Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands, where he has taught Public Finance. Currently, he is affiliated to the University of Economics in Bucharest, Romania and Ternopil National Economic University in Ukraine. He is the (founding) editor of Public Finance and Management, an international peer-reviewed journal. He served as president and vice-president of ASPA’s International Chapter, while he is also president of the Forum for Economists International. He has authored 5 books, 111 articles and 83 notes in American, Australian, British, Dutch, German, South African, and Ukrainian journals. Also, he edited 15 books and several symposiums in American journals.
Wie Yusuf (Executive Committee Member, 2019 – 2021)
Wie is an Associate Professor in the School of Public Service at Old Dominion University. Wie’s research focuses on issues at the intersection of governments, nonprofits/nongovernmental organizations, businesses, and civil society. Her work generally focuses on capital budgeting, transportation and infrastructure finance, fiscal transparency and financial reporting, and sea level rise policy. Her emerging work is in the area of behavioral public finance. Wie’s ties to ABFM run deep. She has been participating in the ABFM Annual Meetings since 2004. In the early 2000s she assisted Merl Hackbart with the ABFM Secretariat, and continues in this same role today, supporting the ABFM Secretariat at ODU. She has served on the ABFM Membership Committee since 2012, the Graduate Student Poster Presentation Competition in 2013 and 2017, the Curro Student Paper Award Selection Committee in 2014. Wie also serves on the ABFM GASAC/GASB ad hoc committee.